Small Local Grants Available
The Pocatello Arts Council has limited funding available to support community-enhancing art projects. Grants are available to support visual, literary, and performance art projects which provide clear benefit to the City of Pocatello. The Arts Council seeks to support projects with good potential to impact large numbers of community members and/or populations that would otherwise be underserved. Any grant-funded project must be completed within one year of approval of the grant.
Eligibility includes non-profit organizations as well as individuals and organized groups of community volunteers. For-profit organizations proposing a unique not-for-profit project, designed specifically for public benefit, may also apply. Applicant must have submitted all Final Grant Reports for past Pocatello Arts Council grants and awards.
Grant proposals are submitted on a quarterly basis. If applicants are submitting a grant for a mural project they may do so in cycle two or three only. (See schedule below. ) Grants will be presented for discussion and possible approval at a Pocatello Arts Council meeting on the first Monday of the following month. Applicants may receive only one Pocatello Arts Council grant per fiscal year.
o Cycle 1 Submission due date: December 20, 2024 – for January 2025 consideration
o Cycle 2 (mural cycle): Submission due date: March 22, 2024
o Cycle 3 (mural cycle) Submission due date: June 21, 2024
o Cycle 4 Submission due date: September 20, 2024
Applicant must submit the grant proposal by email to the Chair of the Pocatello Arts Council (pacidwebmaster@gmail.com). Submit the application as an email attachment (doc, docx, rtf, or pdf formats accepted). Travel expenses to bring in an artist from outside the area may be included as part of the grant proposal.
Provide concise information to clearly distinguish each point below. Requests that are deemed unclear or incomplete will not be considered.
Include the following information:
The dollar amount of the request (not to exceed $1,000).
A clear and thorough narrative of the nature of the project, explaining the likely benefit to and impact on the Pocatello community.
A detailed outline of and justification for the project budget, including any other pending or secured sources of funding.
An indication of whether partial funding of the requested amount would be acceptable.
A project completion timeline.
Complete contact information, including current email, postal address, and phone number.
An applicant who is applying from a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization must provide such documentation by the Internal Revenue Service.
Acknowledgment and Logo
All print materials, promotion, or advertising associated with a grant-supported project should clearly acknowledge the contribution of the Pocatello Arts Council. The Pocatello Arts Council logo should be included on print materials. The logo is available online below.
Final Grant Report
Grant recipients are required to file a Final Grant Report with the Pocatello Arts Council by email at the culmination of the grant-supported project, providing verification of project completion (e.g., program copies, written participant responses, digital photos, video clips, web links). This report must be filed within six months of the completion of the project. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from future grant consideration.